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Osteopathy for Babies and Children

Babies and children grow and develop on all different planes. They grow physically, learn movement patterns, learn to speak and to interact with their environment. Their personality gets developed and they learn to express and handle their emotions and feelings. 

Bodily tension patterns can hinder the optimal development of a child. The birth is often a very strenuous process for mother and baby and can be the cause of many tensions and blockages. Also during development other causes such as falls, accidents, operations and other difficult circumstances can disturb the development and cause further tension. 

Osteopathy helps to restore movement patterns in the bones, fascia and other structures. Also shock, which often arises from traumatic experiences (difficult birth etc.), can be treated successfully with osteopathic treatment. 

Some indications for osteopathic treatment: 

  • Asymmetries in the bones of the head
  • Torticollis/blocked neck
  • Asymmetrical movement patterns 
  • Digestive problems 
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Restlessness
  • Growing pains 
  • Language and concentration difficulties 
  • Recurring middle ear infections
  • ADHS
  • Sticky eyes 
  • Nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting)
  • Before and during orthodontic procedures (braces)



Appointments for an osteopathic treatment can be made by telephone or email. The first appointment takes approximately one hour and consists of a detailed discussion of the patient's case history, an examination and treatment for the presenting problem. Please bring along any existing medical reports from previous examinations or treatments. The osteopath is a primary health care practitioner and will give you a medical as well as an osteopathic, alternative medicine diagnosis. 

In most cases the treatment is covered by the complementary health care plan of your health insurance. You normally do not need a prescription from the doctor (please check with your personal insurance).

Currently we are not able to accept any more new Helsana-Patients. Patients with Helsana insurance will be treated as self-paying patients.